Утепление фасада деревянного дома 1
Price for everything
Repair time
2 hours
Type of work
Overall equipment
Location of client
California, USA

Brief description

Professional approach in everything from making estimates to communication and feedback. This is my fifth repair, and I would never have believed that repairs happen without headaches and panic. Andrey, a representative of the company «Apartor» — a high-level professional.

Milana Brown
Milana Brown

Executed work

Утепление фасада деревянного дома 4
Andrey helped with advice and business and controlled the progress of work, his team works smoothly, quickly and well. There are no disadvantages in principle, only surprise at how simple and smooth everything is. I recommend «Apartor» to all my friends, they are great!
Утепление фасада деревянного дома 6

We will calculate the cost of repairs

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